Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Drink the Plank

I wouldn't call Leeds a student town, but it definitely is a bar town.
So naturally, being "russian" and all, i found mysefl a nice neighbourhood vodka bar - Revolution.
It's actually a chain, which makes it less cool, but I doubt it'd be visiting other locations.

They even serve vodka nad pickles! almost "russian-style".

And now to break some stereotypes: i'd say brits drink more than russian. Without naming any names, let's say I have a friend that participated in the following:
This would be a 30-shot plank of vodka, with 5 different flavors. I'll do the math for you - that'd be 8.5 shots per person when you have 4 people.
Yep. Tasty. Naturally, with flavors like "vanilla" and "strawberry", that was "too sissy", so we had a few more to chase it. Like "chili" flavor. If you ever have indigestion or problem with vomiting on demand - that's the vodka to drink. Goes well with napkins, since the taste in your mouth is so rank you end up eating a few just to try to get rid of it. That sure was entertaining to us and the others at the bar...

I have to give it to them - everybody showed up at work bright and early the next day, w/out incident. I guess one can train for anything...



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