Tuesday, February 01, 2005


This wekeend i made it to Rotorua, both the "adventure" and Maori culture capitol of North Island.
So of course i went zorbing.
It's a rather ridiculous experience - you climb inside a giant ball and roll downhill. The zorb is a "dual" ball - there's a big bouncy outside ball and a smaller ball inside where you hang out.
My particular flavor of adventure was a "hydro zorb" - that's where you get in a zorb ball that has about a bucket of water inside, and you are not strapped in. As a result, when the ball rolls down you feel like you are in a giant washing machine. It's quite hilairious, the ball rolls down the hill in a zigzag so you slide all over the place.
The best "zorbing"experience, apparently, is when you are in the same ball with someone else. I tried convincing the 3 college freshman from University of Delaware that were "next" to climb in the ball with me, but somehow i didn't succeed.
Anyway, this is arguably the most ridiculous and stupid thing i've ever done, and of course, i loved every second (out of about 45) of it.

And Graham, this one was for you!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

zorbanauts are available at www.zorbasales.com now for those interested

11:57 PM, January 22, 2007  

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